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Regular Price - NTD 100

(Charcoal oven cooked white flour crispy or soft bread plain / Garlic / Butter)

(坦都炭火烤爐烹煮之白麵酥脆/鬆軟烤餅 原味/香蒜/奶油)


-18 degrees storage -18度冷凍保存

5 degrees storage for 48 hours 5度冷藏48小時

Please consume immediately after opening 開封後請立即食用完畢

Any question call有問題請撥打WhatsApp +886921004175 / Line : mayur.indian

If adding ingredients, it must cooked above 100 degrees 若自行加入配料則需為100度以上之熟食

Ingredients: White flour, salt 成分:中筋麵粉、鹽巴

Oven at 150 degrees for 3 minutes 烤箱150度加熱3分鐘

Cook in a pan 平底鍋加熱烹煮

Serve with hot curry 搭配熱咖哩食用

Frozen Tandoori Naan 冷凍坦都烤餅 8 pcs cut

庫存單位: MIKR-009
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