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Anise seed is a powerful plant that is rich in many nutrients and boasts a wide array of health benefits.

Anise seeds are sweet and very aromatic. It is used for flavouring curries, bread, soups, baked goods, dried figs, deserts, cream cheese, pickles, egg dishes, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages.


茴香籽很甜,非常芳香。 它用於調味咖哩、麵包、湯、烘焙食品、無花果乾、沙漠、奶油奶酪、泡菜、雞蛋菜餚、非酒精和酒精飲料。


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欲瞭解更多、大量批貨或和我們對話請Line: @miktaiwan
Whatsapp: +886921004175

Anise Seeds 大茴香子 100gm.

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