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Mint is a very useful plant in many ways, such as medical, cooking, beverage and cosmetics etc., It is a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Copper and Manganese.

薄荷在許多方面都是非常有用的植物,如醫療、烹飪、飲料和化妝品等,它是膳食纖維、維生素 A、維生素 C、核黃素、葉酸、鈣、鐵、鎂、鉀、 銅和錳的優質來源。


To know more details, order bulk or talk to us by line: @miktaiwan 
欲瞭解更多、大量批貨或和我們對話請Line: @miktaiwan
Whatsapp: +886921004175

Fresh Mint Leaves 薄荷葉 1 pod.

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