Gol Mathri, an Indian home special whole wheat flour and white flour made (गोल मठरी) with a pinch of black salt, ajwain seed, etc. A perfect evening tea snack. It is available fresh at MIK stores Taiwan in Taipei, Hsinchu and Taichung on order only. We make it fresh just like our sweets!
印度家常香料全麥餅乾 ,印度特色全麥麵粉和白麵粉佐少許黑鹽、藏茴香子等製成。完美的午茶小吃。只在台北、新竹和台中的馬友友商店新鮮供應。就跟我們的甜品一樣新鮮!
To know more details, order bulk or talk to us by line: @miktaiwan
欲瞭解更多、大量批貨或和我們對話請Line: @miktaiwan
Whatsapp: +886921004175
Gol Mathri 印度家常香料全麥餅乾 (गोल मठरी ) 250 gm
價格自 NT$150