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Haldiram Chatpata Chana dal 印度剖半鷹嘴豆休閒小吃 200gm
A vegetarian traditional Indian split chickpeas snack added with variety of spices, perfect for evening snacks with drinks etc.
other details: Veg/Vegan/halal product
鷹嘴豆(75%) 精製棕櫚油 紅辣椒 鹽(鹽 碘化鉀) 黑胡椒 丁香粉 黑鹽 調味劑(檸檬酸) 小荳蔻 肉桂 孜然 月桂葉 肉荳蔻 乾芒果粉 乾薑粉 阿魏

Haldiram Chatpata Chana dal 印度剖半鷹嘴豆休閒小吃 200gm

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