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It's a mango powder mix, vegetarian spice mix without any meat inside, a perfect standardized ratio of spices for adding to fruits, sauces and curries. It can be used for making other curry base sauce too! It is not a curry powder. It's a king of all masalas.

此為一種綜合芒果粉,裡面沒有任何肉類,完美的標準化香料比例用以加進水果、醬料或咖哩,也可以用來製作其他咖哩醬基底! 此非咖哩粉。


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欲瞭解更多、大量批貨或和我們對話請Line: @miktaiwan
Whatsapp: +886921004175

MDH Amchur Powder 芒果粉 100gm.

價格自 NT$95
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