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Parsley leaves and roots are popular as condiments and garnish worldwide. Parsley goes particularly well with mushrooms, peas, tomatoes, as well as pasta, fish and chicken dishes. Parsley is wonderful chopped and sprinkled into soups and stews. It can withstand longer cooking than most in its family.

洋香菜葉和根在世界各地作為調味品和裝飾很受歡迎。 洋香菜特別適合搭配蘑菇、豌豆、西紅柿以及意大利麵、魚和雞肉菜餚。 洋香菜切碎後撒入湯和燉菜中堪稱完美。它可以承受比它大多數同類更長的烹飪時間。


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Parsley Leaves 洋香菜 100gm.

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